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Sompting Village Primary School

The Play Tree - After school childcare

The Play Tree is a fun, inclusive and nurturing play space for SVPS pupils. We offer arts and crafts, sports opportunities, gardening, yoga, baking and more!


Our aim is to create a space in which children feel safe, happy, empowered and creative. We want them to have the freedom to play in their own way.


The Play Tree is run by Laura and Lucy, who both work at the school during the day and know the children well. Laura is a teaching assistant with over 15 years of experience running playwork and out0of-school provisions. Lucy is a learning mentor, specialising in emotional literacy, SEN and inclusion.


The Play Tree is open from 3.15 p.m. until 5.15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during term time. Each session costs £10 per child. To book your child's place, please complete and return the booking forms below and return them to the school office.


If you have any queries, please contact  


The Play Tree Registration Pack
